AED's donated in 2007 

Standley Lake High School - Through generous community donations, Daniel J Lunger memorial bracelet sales, and fundraisers throughout the athletic department during the 2006-2007 school year, Dan's fund was able to place the first donated AED into Standley Lake High School.


Sheridan Green Elementary School - A PTA-sponsored fundraiser resulted in an AED being donated to this Westminster elementary school. Donations included funding from the Daniel J. Lunger Foundation to pay for CPR/AED training for schoolstaff. 

Jefferson Academy - Girl Scout Troop 699 at Jefferson Academy Elementary School presents Principal Michael Munier with an AED for the school.  The second graders of Troop 699 raised the money to fund the AED as a community service project. Donations included funding from the Daniel J. Lunger Foundation to pay for CPR/AED training for school staff.

George Meyers Pool, Arvada - With the assistance of Dan's Fund, Zoll Medical donated an AED to the pool where Dan's high school and club teams practiced.

Mandalay Middle School  - A PTA-sponsored fundraiser resulted in an AED being donated to the middle school Dan attended. Students sold City of Westminster "Green Bags" to raise the funds. Pictured left to right is Dan's father, Howard Lunger; Mandalay PTA President, Dawn Diehl; Dan's Fund Board Member, Denise Emory; and Nigel Lock, Kick Start My Heart Foundation.

Lukas Elementary School, Westminster, CO - AED placed May, 2009. Funds were raised by Lukas Elementary PTA fundraisers.  Accepting the AED were Bridget Pence, PTA Presidnet, and Lukas Elementary's principal, Jef Gugita.  On their AED application, they stated: "Since we are a Standley Lake area school we are familiar with Dan Lunger's story.  We would like an AED in our school because we know first hand how valuable they are in emergency situations". 

AED's donated in 2008

AED's Donated in 2009